

Wet granulesA fungal fungicide that has a protective and therapeutic effect through contact is used to prevent many fungal diseases, most notably the dandruff. It also protects against macrophages (spiders and dream) on many agricultural crops.Active ingredient: LCTIVE ingredientContains Sulfur 80% Weight / Weight Contains: 80% w / w SulfurAdditives 20% Weight / Weight

اكسراز 250 اي سي  – EXRAZ 250EC
  Two triazole compounds to control whiteness, echoes and scabies on vegetables and fruits

التركيب:                                               : Composition

 ديفينوكونازول 250 جم/لترماء                  Difenoconaie 250g\1L

كالتكس 200 إس سي-  Kaltaks 200SC
  A specialized, preventive and therapeutic pesticide that is used to control the use of whitestic and soaked (scabies) diseases on grapes and cucumbers in protected houses, fruit trees and field crops
                                             : Comosition

فلوزيلاوزل 200جرام/لتر.                           Flusilazole 200g/L

المادة المكملة 800جرام/لتر.          Inert Ingredients : 800g/L

ستار توب 325 إس سي –  STAR TOP 325 SC
  A machine-based fungicide that also works by touching, is effective for the elimination of the whiteness and the diseases that affect the leaves and the fruits, and has a high anti-fungal capacity that has been immune to innate compounds, and delays its appearance in those that have no immune

.التركيب:                                               :Composition

أزوكسيستروبين 200جرام/لتر.                  Azoxystrobin 200g/L

دايفينوكونازول 125 جرام/لتر.               Difenoconazole 125g/L+

جلنت بلص 500 دبليو بي – Jlent Plus 500WP 
High-yield toxic powder agricultural, resistant to fungal, bacterial, blight and bezoal, which afflicts a number of agricultural crops
. Composition:
Copper oxychloride 35 F/F
+ 15 metalyl and/and
Supplementary material 50 and/and
روبيزول  50- ROBIZOLE
A fungicide with protective and therapeutic properties to control white-whiting diseases, leaf-wetting, scabies, Echoes, and smut on grapes, fruit trees and all the different vegetables



كورزيف اَر – Curzaphe R wp
Wet powder, fungicide and prophylactic and therapeutic bacteria.

Cymoxanil ……………………………….. 4.20 w/w.

Copper oxychloride ………………….. 68.95 w/w.

Inerts………………………………………. 26.85 w/w.

Total:………………………………………. 100.00.

كبروسيد500دبليو بي  – CabrocidCPPOER wp500
A organ fungicide has a wide-ranging, preventive and therapeutic efficacy to resist a large-scale disease of fungal diseases that afflict many vegetable and fruit crops and is a well-spread powder and glue to plantations.
Active Substance:

Cabrocidcppoer 50wp

كوندازيم 500 إس سي- CONDAZIM 500SC
A organ -based fungicide in the form of a suspended liquid (SC).
Effective article:
Carpenbuckles 50 (weight/size). Carbendazim 50 w/V
اَزال – AZAL 500WG
 Two organ organinides that have preventive and therapeutic efficacy against the diseases of the white whiting and many fungal diseases affecting agricultural crops.

:Active ingredient

كريسوكسيم ميثيل 500جم/كجم      .Kresoxim-methyl 500g/kg

مواد مضافة 500جم/كجم.               .Inert Ingredients 500g/kg

الساحق –  ALSAHEK
   مبيد فطري- مركب خليط حبيبات قابلة للانتشار في الماء ضد أمراض البياض الدقيقي والجرب والبقع والفحة المبكره والمتأخره .المادة الفعالة :                                   :Active Ingredient 

كريسوكسيم ميثيل 30.                 .Kresoxim-methyl 30

دايفنوكونازول 10.                    .DIFNOCONAZOLE 10 wp

ميكادول – Mikadol 300sc
   A fungicide that eliminates the land of whiteness, early and late blight, stains, rust and rot that may infect vegetables and fruits.


.Kresoxim Methyle  250 g/L

Epoxiconazole 50g/L

Inert Ingredients 700g/L

كــــاركـــال – CARACAL 300EC
IMG_3977 A fungicide  exterminator that eliminates the whiteness, echoes and scabies on vegetables and fruit trees

التركيب :                                                :Composition

.Difenoconaie 15

.Tebuconazole 15

  دلتـــازيــم – Deltazim 500 WP
A prophylactic and therapeutic fungicide that is absorbed in the leaves and roots, has an effective effect on most fungal diseases and stops Myselea and is used to save crops after collection and storage. Delkles: Does not affect bees, and its impact on humans and animals is very mild.
 هيــاجريـــن – HYAGRIN 300 SL

A fungicide for the elimination of roots and soil fungi and a root stimulant for soil fungus control in the form of dissolved liquid in water (SL). Effective article:
30 hmcsazole hymexazole Weight/size.
 يـــادومــيل  – YADOMIL MZ 72
Toxic agricultural fungicide in the form of a viable powder. To eliminate the Zoughal whiteness, the blight. Composition: Each kilo contains:
Metalalyl: 80 GM &/F.
MANKOZB: 640 GM and/F.
Supplementary material: 280 GM and/F.
 بيكانتو (100) إي سي  -100 EC  BIKANTO
Fungicide Center Emulsion
A fungicide with protective and therapeutic characteristics to control the legumes and echoes on fruits, vegetables and tobacco as well as ornamental plants
Active Ingredients:
10% Pinconazole
Adjuvants: 90%
كانتور 77 : CANTOUR  wp77
A protective bacterial fungal pesticide with a wide range of agricultural crops
Active Ingredients:
Copper hydrox77% w/w
Inert Ingredient 23% w/w
الفيات 325 إس سي   – ALFIAT 325 SC
Fungicidecomposite as suspended status (SC)
A fungal device that also works by touching to eliminate a wide range of fungal infections that afflict a wide variety of crops is effective in eliminating whiteness and on diseases that cause the leaves.
Contains 200 grams Azoxssorin
and 125 grams Daivekugo
 إكسبرينس 240 إي سي – EXPRINS 240 EC
A organic  fungicide that eliminates delicate whiteness, echoes, scabies and many fungal diseases on vegetables and fruit trees.
MYCL Obutanil 24%
Adjuvanto 76%
 كربوتان 80 دبليوجي            –     CARBOTAN 80%  WG

Wet granules

A fungal fungicide that has a protective and therapeutic effect through contact is used to prevent many fungal diseases, most notably the dandruff. It also protects against macrophages (spiders and dream) on many agricultural crops.

Active ingredient: LCTIVE ingredient

Contains Sulfur 80% Weight / Weight Contains: 80% w / w Sulfur

Additives 20% Weight / Weight

 شموخ  52.5% دبليو جي   – SHUMOOKH 52.5% WG

Composition: COMPOSMOn: Famoxadone 22.5% + Gymoxanil 30.0%

Water dispersible granules (WG)

Dissoluble granules in water contain 22.5% phamoxadone + 30% symoxyl.

An organic fungicide has a special permeability to fight early and late blisters on tomatoes and potatoes and control the diseases of fluffy whiteness on grapes, lettuce, and pumpkins.

بركنز  500 إس سي   –  BERKINS 500 SC 500 SC
  Fungicide in the form of a concentrated suspended liquid
داكرنس 200 إس سي  –   DAKRINS 200 SC
  Fungicide in the form of a suspended center

Fungicide A protective device to eliminate early and late leaching, fluffy white, powdery whiteness, echoes, leaves, burns in tomatoes, potatoes, grapes and stem rot in citrus.

الداعم 150 إي سي –  ALDAAIM 50 EC
  Emulsifying center

A fungicide with preventive and curative properties to combat the diseases of mildew, leaf scabies, scabies, echoes, and ferments on grapes, trees, fruits, bananas, Yemen and all different vegetables.



 l Adjuvants: 950 g / L

ماكنتوش 300 إس سي  –  MACINTOSH 300 SC
  Fungicide – Compound Suspended Center – (SC)

A topical fungicide with a preventive and curative effect to combat powdery whiteness in vegetables, fruit trees and ornamental plants

Active ingredients:

Boscale: 20% Boscalid: 20%

CREZO-CIMM-methyl: 10% Kresoxim-methyl: 10%

Additives: 70% Adjuvants: 70%

الخليفة – إم 70    –  ALKHALIFA – M70

A fungal and therapeutic fungicide absorbed by leaves and roots

It is used to control a large number of fungal diseases on a wide range of agricultural crops and is used to treat wounds caused by various agricultural processes

Active Ingredient: Active ingredients:

Methyl thiophenate 700 g / kg Thiophenate – Methyl 700g / kg

Additives 300 g / kg inert ingredient 300g / kg

إيرباص 250 إس سي  – AIRBUS 250 SC
  Fungicide in the form of a suspended center (SC)

A topical fungicide with a preventive and curative effect to combat powdery whiteness in vegetables, fruit trees and ornamental plants.

Active ingredient: Active ingredients

Azoxystrobin 25% Azoxystrobin 25%

Additives: Adjuvants: 75%

ماكسيتان 400 إي سي    –  MAXITAN 400 EC
  Fungicide in the form of an emulsifying liquid

A fungal fungicide specialized preventive and therapeutic used to combat the diseases of white flour and stains and scabies on grapes and cucumbers in the houses … and fruit trees …..

Composition: COMPOSMON

Forilazole 40% Fulsilazole 40%

Supplementary material 60% inert ingredient 60%

 المناضل 50 دبليو دي جي     –   ALMONADHIL 50% Wbo
  Granules that can be spread in water


Composition: COMPOSMON

Active Ingredient: Active ingredients:

Creosixim 400 mg / kg Kirsixim – methyl 400g

Additives: 500 g / kg Intert Ingredient 500g / kg

داكونيل 250 إس سي     –                   Daconil 250 SC
  Fungicide in the form of a suspended center (SC)

A topical fungicide with a preventive and curative effect to combat the powdery whiteness in vegetables, fruit trees and oil plants.

Active Ingredient: Active ingredients:

Azoxystrobin 25% Azocystrobin 25%

Additives: 75% Adjuvants: 75%

البديل 250 إي سي            –  ALBADEEL 250 EC
  A fungicide in the form of an emulsifying liquid

Active Ingredient: Active ingredients:

Traaminol 25% Tria ………… .. 25%

Additives: Adjuvants: 75%

ماريش 300 إس إل         –  MARICH 300 SL
  A fungicide in the form of a soluble water soluble liquid (SL)

A fungal and fungal fungicide that eliminates root and soil fungi

Composition: COMPOSMON

Active Ingredient: Heaxazole 30% Hymexazole 30%

Additives: 70% Adjuvants: 70%

تانكير 500 إس سي      –  TANKEER 500 SC
  Fungicide in the form of a liquid suspended center (SC)

A fungicide, effective and therapeutic, against the diseases of mildew, maceration, mold and many fungal diseases affecting many vegetable crops and fruit trees.

Active Ingredient: Active ingredients:

Carinda Zim 50% Carbendazim 50%

Additives: 50% Adjuvants: 50%

  استون آر             –   STONE R  WP
  Wet powder

Fungal and bacterial fungal and therapeutic

The pesticide contains the following substances:

Semimo Cassial 4.20% W / W Cymozail

Copperoxychloride 69.7% w / w

Supplementary Materials: 26.1% w / w Inerts

Total: 100% Total:

  جيلوفين 70      –   GELOFEN WP70
  Wet powder

Fungicide to control fungal diseases on vegetables, potatoes, grapes and fruits in the form of powdered powder (wp)

Active Ingredient: Active ingredients:

Propent 70% (Weight / Weight) Propineb 70%

  فانجوران 500 دبليو بي      –  FANJORAN 500 WP
  Wet powder

A fungicide of phosphorthoate compounds has a protective and therapeutic effect on the control of reductant soil fungi in vegetables and fruit trees

Composition of the pesticide: COMPOSMON

Tolkulfos methyl 500 g / kg Toclofos -Methyl 500 / gk

Additives: 500 g / kg Nert ingredient 500g / kg

أنتركيل 72 أم زد         –  INTER KEEL  72 MZ
  Samy fungicide in wet powder form

Composition: COMPOSMON

Metha Oxyl: 8% METALKCIL 8%

Matcuzzi 64%

السريع  350 إي سي    –    ALSAREE 250 EC
  Emulsifying center

A fungicidal pesticide

Composition: COMPOSMON

تريبون بلص  50%              –   TRIBON PLUS 50%  WP
  Wet powder

An effective fungal fungicide has a protective and therapeutic effect and resistance to fungal, bacterial, flocculation and flaking diseases affecting a large number of agricultural crops.

Active Ingredient: Active ingredients:

Oxychloride …… 3% and / or C

Additives: 50% and / or W / W Adjuvants: 50%

الفائق 50% دبليو دي جي    –   ALFAIQ 50% WDG
  Granules that can be spread in water

A wide range fungicide that works with great efficiency, preventive and therapeutic, to eliminate the delicate whiteness, early ulcer, and black mold on vegetable crops and fruit trees.

Active Ingredient: Active ingredients:

Triffox Storin 500 g / kg Triflox strooin: 500g / kg

Additives: 50% Adjuvants: 50%

اكسيل 240 أي سي – AXIYAL 240 EC
  A fungicide that eliminates dandruff, asthma, scabies and many fungal diseases

Composition: COMPOSMON

Myclobition 24% myclobition 24%

Additives: 76% Adjuvants: 76%

 كولينز 500 دبليو بي  – Callings 500wp
  A fungicide of phosphorthoate compounds has a protective and therapeutic effect against soil fungi

Composition: COMPOSMON

Toclofos methyl 500 g / kg Toclofos-Methyl 500g / kg

Additives: 500 g / kg Nert ingredient 500g / kg

Many of our other pesticides can be found here